Answering Barak Obama's definition of the Other America, Hillary Clinton Tries to fit in:
(2008-04-13) — Sensing an opportunity to portray Sen. Barack Obama as elitist and out of touch after his remarks about “bitter” rural Americans who cling to guns, God and xenophobia, Sen. Hillary Clinton stopped after church today at an indoor gun range, where she fired roughly 300 rounds through a handgun she said she carries concealed everywhere she goes.
Her lower lip bulging from a dip of Skoal, Sen. Clinton put her Bible in her handbag, and drew out her own Para Ordnance Warthog .45 caliber pistol.
As reporters looked on, the Democrat presidential candidate emptied one 10-round magazine after another, with fair accuracy, at a human silhouette target.
It's getting rough out there. FROM Amused Cynic
Cartoon daybydaycartoon.com
Clinton Story scrappleface.com
Thanks for the link, Gene! Just to make sure your readers know where the credit goes, the cartoon is by Chris Muir (DayByDay), and the parody was written by Scott Ott (Scrappleface)
Oh, should have added....
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