Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Water Water Everywhere and run it to the sea

In another blog yesterday a good friend of mine was bemoaning the fact that states all across the USA were facing severe water shortages. 
First yes.  How come? 
One:  Many of the places that are short of water are places where water was always short and building has outrun supply.  Las Vegas comes to mind.   Stop building TODAY.  How dumb can you be and still breath.
Two: We don't manage and retain water on the land.  We do all we can to get it into drainage ditches and into streams and into rivers and then to the sea so we can plant 3 days earlier.  That means the aquifers aren't being recharged.  That means water shortage.
Three:  We treat runoff as sewage. It is if it's not processed.   Vegetation does this really well.  Bogs and swamps are great purifiers.  We must take our runoff and run it into swamps and then into ponds or lakes. 
Four:  Recharge of water holding areas isn't a priority.  See 3 and 4 above.
How much of a water shortage would there be if there were no demand to get on the land, all fresh water was captured, none went to the sea.  I'll bet the sea wouldn't rise (if it ever does).  We would be slowing the Colorado and Mississippi rivers to a trickle and recapturing all that water into sloughs for purification and recharge.  We'd be buried in water.
In Illinois right now we are drowning.  The tiles are running full, the drainage ditches the streams and the rivers are flooding.
I'll bet later they will all wish we had that water  back.  Let's hold  water on the land.  No run off.
A fish or two will have a struggle.  EVOLVE.
If you wonder about Georgia, it's all about some dumb fish.  Get the econuts out of the business of water management and start managing water for people and our shortages become surplus.
I wonder what political affiliation the econuts are.  Darn Republican Conservative Ecologists.  They are such a pain.

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