Tuesday, April 15, 2008

You can never do just one thing

This is about computer software and polygamous families. Years ago when I was President of a computer software firm we were always making tweaks to the software. Fix this, tweak that.

The problem is, you can never do just one thing. If you fix this, that over there no longer works.

Everything you try to repair breaks something else.

The answer is, fix carefully and be sure than when you implement the fix you know what the consequence is. Sometimes when I get the windows updates I have visions of Bill and assurance that this repair is just a little fix. Then when the whole thing collapses in a heap the oops and Bills quick wit saves the day. But I don't have Bills quick wit. It's just some 19 year old kid in Redmond Washington who came up with this "Fix" and now it's really broken.

So, pardon me Mr Gates If I don't embrace every "Improvement" your folks make. They are just like Bill. Well intentioned and very quick. But, quite human.


By now you have heard all the stories about raids, incest, mismatch marriages and many wives. I won't come down on the side of Polygamy. But I am really questioning the heavy hand of the state who comes in an destroys families because child protective services knows better.
Interviews with Children of polygamous families from the fifties demonstrate the damage done to boys and girls permanently by the tearing of the family. Yes, it's not a family I would choose but how does the state have the fourth amendment crushing power to do what they did.

This really bothers me. A Lot.

The mothers are starting to speak out. This will have ripple effects.

You can never do just one thing.

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