Monday, April 21, 2008

A Religious Holiday I won't Participate In

Pagan Worship of Gaia, earth mother takes place on Tuesday the 22nd.   They call it earth day, but it is simply a Pagan holiday worshiping the earth. 
The Pagan holiday has sacraments, Vegan, has tributes, Carbon Credits instead of Indulgences.  This is simply an unchristian holiday foisted on us. 
Look at this indoctrination by the toymakers to suck kids into earth mother worship.
And, what we don't understand is that the sale of the Harry Potter books have promulgated an evil interest in witchcraft.  Witchcraft is now strong in Great Britain.  That has been stirred by Harry Potter.
This stuff is not harmless, we need as Christians to come against the evil that is being indoctrinated in our schools and culture.
In Schools where Christmas Carols can't be sung, the earth day pagan worship is embraced.
How dumb can we be and still breath.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's the same pagan stuff for which reason God punished the Canaanites, and also the people of Israel when they began to worship the "hosts of heaven", and made of creation their god, instead of the Creator. There is a sliding away from what our country's early leaders acknowledged. Can you imagine this going on in our schools of the late 18th and early 19th centuries? H.