Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Are you instantly obedient to God?

I have asked that question of Godly men and women from time to time to see what limits they put on God. They always answer with a Holy YESSSS. Head bowed. Religious posture engaged fully.

I ask them, "If God told you to bark outside a gas station like a dog all day Thursday would you do it?". Of course not they will say. "God won't ask me to do that".

I didn't ask that. I asked if you were instantly obedient or not. If God told you to cook and eat using human Dung for a fire would you?

IF God told you to walk around naked for 3 years, would you?

You see, God told his men of God to do at least two of those and I might argue from experiences at Toronto Three.

The answer I always get even from Pastors is, "MY GOD WOULD NEVER ASK ANYONE TO DO ANYTHING BIZARRE". OK, Pastor, Maybe YOUR God wouldn't, but the God of the Bible has a habit of asking his people to do some pretty outlandish things. Your god must be someone else.

I bring this up because we are now in a season of deciding what God would or wouldn't do thru his ministers. We have as a church decided that as long as God doesn't ask us to do something weird or unusual we are OK with that. We certainly don't want to do anything that might end up on You Tube over and over again. We Say, "I have no problem doing what God asks me to do if it causes me no inconveniences". It's when it's out there that it pushes the envelope. It tests our obedience quotient.

My friend Barry has said to God, "Before you finish asking me God, My answer is YES". I think that's a dangerous place to be. God might JUST take you up on all that.
I think HE might have the guts to do what God asks him to do. How about you?

This article by Lee Grady that I found on another Blog is a good example of why we have turned the move of God into Milquetoast. He says:

We may say the Holy Spirit is moving, but—more often than we want to admit—our chaos may be a sign of our immaturity.

I think that sometimes we attempt to keep the Chaos down and the result is ineffectiveness. We miss God because we want to stay in control. That's a spirit of witchcraft. The church has fallen into a trap of wanting to avoid anything that might make outsiders think we are just a little weird. We are supposed to be a peculiar people. But we want to stay just inside the mold the world has formed us into.

It's time we start to respond to what God is asking us to do without so much navel gazing. Let's be like the men who ate poop cooked food and walked around naked, see God on his throne and say, "Here
am I Lord, Send ME".

Too many of us are conditionally obedient when God is calling for instant obedience.

Can God really use you? Are you willing to say, here am I Lord, send me? I think the events of the last few months are causing this important question to be asked.

Now it's up to us to each answer for ourselves.


Anonymous said...

Short story - I was "put to the test" bigtime at a past job. When I first found out I was going there, I almost said "God, what are you thinking?", but then remembered Jeremiah 29:11. Was sent into Hell literally, but knew that going in, too. Was there a short time for 3 specific reasons. Once they were fulfilled, God put a bigger desire for me to grow inward and outward, so I prayed "take me outta here Lord so I can have much more of You". Sometimes God's timing is too fast-woohoo. Best thing He ever did for me, and I've never looked back.

A couple of questions following up on being obediant. I knew I'd probably lose everything if I obeyed God by Him saying, "Ok, now I'm going to take you and put you over here now". My reply - "cool. As for stuff, so what". I'm looking for way bigger rewards than any person can give me here on Earth. If we're faithful, God is faithful. Best thing He's ever done for my life, here and up home.

Speaking of "uncomfortable" obediance, if God asked you to go to the soccer fields on Sunday mornings and pray for and with people (following worship of course), would you? Have you?

Fear is the prison of the heart.

Anonymous said...

"I bring this up because we are now in a season of deciding what God would or wouldn't do thru his ministers."

My question is this, who are we to decide What God would or wouldn't do through His people. It sounds like you are trying to play God. Are you?