Monday, August 18, 2008

Does if it's not Broke don't Fix it Apply here??

You've heard it said, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it".

That is used by many to tell people to stay away from things that seem to be working. In this political season lots of things seem to be broken at one level or another. Some need to be left alone, others need fixing.

For instance:

Public Education. Doesn't seem to be much agreement on it's brokenness. I would call it broken. Others who want to pay teachers for doing little would disagree. I think it needs fixing.

Our Military. Not broken. Breaking things and killing people right on cue.

Our Tax system. Kinda Broken, but usable.

Our infrastructure, broken but repairable.

Our economy, broken a little but coming around.

Free Speach - Just fine, but the Libs want the unfairness doctrine back.

Energy Dependence, broken badly but being repaired as we speak. We'll get this fixed.

Health Care. This one is really the conundrum. It's broken. OH, it works OK for those who are government employees, it works OK for Retirees, It works OK for some corporate workers, but for 25 million Americans who are uninsured or under insured it doesn't seem to work very well. I would call that broken. Oh we have health care available. It seems like however that the only two options available are 1. Don't get sick or 2. Get sick, go to hospital, go bankrupt.

Not really options now are they? Those who have coverage of some kind or another will say that we should be happy that we have good health care available to all. Really? I pay almost 20% of my AGI for health Insurance from a private company. I know they have to make a buck. But, for that I get the most marginal of insurance coverage and I pray every day I never have to use a dime of it. To date any claim I have submitted has remained unpaid by them.


Here's the problem. I don't want the government in the business of DMV or Post Office style health insurance administration. I don't want regulation on Doctors. I don't know what I want actually. If I had an answer it would be GENE for PRESIDENT. It's not.

I do know that we spend as a percentage of or GDP and Per Capita more on health care in the USA than anywhere else in the WORLD. And we are NOT healthier for it. On a healthy index we are pretty low.

And I hear all the stories about people who come from far and wide, Canada, Great Britain, Saudi Arabia to access our Health Care system. Oh, for those who can afford it, it's a wonderful system. Just not to the marginally insured which by some estimates is almost a third of the US population today.

I'm just not sure who can afford it, from here. I don't seem to be able to.

I think our health care system is broken. As is Medicare, Medicaid and while we are at it the whole social support system. It's a giant black hole. We keep pouring money into it. Nothing is being fixed.

I'll make this observation. Our social costs including the upward spiral of health care will kill us all off. We are in deep weeds in this country. This in my opinion is more important than the price of oil.

This is very broken but let's not try to fix it without knowing what we are doing. I think as a conservative this is one issue where the Republican Party Must become aware of. Just hoping it will go away is death to any victory. I don't want OBAMACARE. But, we must have a clear conversation.

I suspect that Private Health Insurance must be the Supplement with Public overarching coverage of catastrophic. Paid for HOW? I don't have all the answers.

I would hope one of the wise ones on this blog will tell me.

OH, I am healthy, 63, Not terribly overweight or sick. Yet, in trying to find any alternative to the home wrecking insurance costs I carry I am told over and over again that I better hold on to what I have, that's all there is, there are no options. This by insurance professionals. I am fully hostage to my insurance company.

That would be broken in my estimation.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Vote by your Bible, God's Word