Saturday, August 30, 2008

Communing with Catholics

I have often said on this blog and elsewhere that I have many things more in common with my Catholic Brothers and Sisters than I do with many nominal mainline churches and so called evangelicals.

They are many times more discerning and passionate than many in the stream of the main.

This has to do with the reaction to Sarah Palin's pick by McCain. Pentecostals, fundamental conservative Christians (of which I include the LCMS) and Catholics see this universally as good. I include those people who are still part of fundamental branches of churches that are in the process of being divided by true believers and those who are trying to measure and compromise with the culture like those dear folks in the Anglican Communion.

We are going thru a time of division. There will be a whore Church. I wouldn't join it.

And there will be a true church.

I want to be there when those saints go marching in.

Lots of them will be Catholics.

I appreciate the Anchoress so much. She has written so well on all this.


and here

And here.

Lead On Anchoress.

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