Wednesday, August 27, 2008

A Word From a Prophetess Friend

I have a prophetess friend (by email and Phone) named Nancy Minor. She and her Husband Tom do great things in the Kingdom. I'm trying to help them although I know she is frustrated by the fact that things seem to be slow. This is the content of the email she sent this morning. I endorse the word of the Lord that came to her and commend it to you:

We are in transition. I have been feeling it- it was voiced by someone else tonight at church. I was even asked at church if I had a "Word" to give. But I did not at that time. But as I thought about this transition- the Lord reminded me that is part of the birthing process! And this is the Word:

When a woman goes into labor there is a period called "the transition." It is very uncomfortable and typically there is no time to relax between contractions. The cervix is dilating- getting ready for the birth and the baby is descending into the birth canal. This is what is written about this phase from the medical/natural viewpoint:

"During this time, it is important for your partner or labor coach to assist you into various positions so that you can find one that is the least uncomfortable. It is important to try to take one contraction at a time during transition."

"This is the hardest but shortest part of labor. The cervix finishes opening during this phase of the first stage. This is the point when she may ask to go home, promising to return and finish tomorrow, she may shake, be nauseated, or vomit. These things do not always happen but are perfectly normal if they do. Contractions are 2-3 minutes apart, and generally last 90 seconds. Remember the pain is not any worse, just closer together.

#Relax, go with the flow
#Move around and get comfortable, you may need to change position with every contraction or you may not want to move
#Listen to your body
#Hang in there it's almost over!"
For the labor coach:

*Remind her this is almost over
*Remind her to breathe
Water is especially helpful during transition. Try a shower, a tub, or cloths.
*Slow dance with her

I think that is good advice for the spiritual application too! Things are not worse- just closer together... Relax go with the flow - allow the spirit to dictate and illumine what to do. Change position- move with the Spirit... there is strategic planning for each stage of warfare! He knows how to best enter into the mainstream of this transition AND to get us to the other side.

We will not fail to birth! Be confident and do not faint!

There will be a glorious culmination to all the pain and angst and uncertainty that you have been feeling. You may not know what it is that you are birthing- but you are being taken into a new realm- a different place of walking with Him than you have previously known. Do not fear- for HE is there- albeit- you may not so easily feel His comfort or touch during the transitioning process. That is why you must FOCUS on HIM and expect to hear His instructions for this season. What worked previously - will not work now. Previous "positions" you have taken in seeking Him, will leave you uncomfortable and unsatisfied. He is calling you into deeper waters and your Faith must be strengthened to sustain you in these waters. It will be strengthened by totally abandoning all that you know and throwing yourself headlong into His arms! Move into the water of His Spirit and let it wash over you.

Renew yourself with the water of the Word. Drink deeply of His Presence. Chew on the Word to relieve tension and gain sustenance. Slow dance with Your Bridegroom. He longs to see you come into the next level and the new place He has for you! The discomfort of the moment will be forgotten when the "baby" arrives. Breathe! In Him you live, and move and have your being. You will get through this and you will rejoice.


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