Friday, February 13, 2009

Darwin and Faith

Darwin and the Christian Faith

Today being the 200th anniversary of the birth of Charles Darwin, I thought I would pull together various resources relating to the creation-evolution controversy. Writing about the impact of Darwinism, Al Mohler offers a simple summary statement: “The Darwinist account of the cosmos and the living organisms found within represents a straightforward rejection of the role of the Creator as revealed in the Bible.” That conclusion will be challenged by many Christians, including many evangelicals who think that evolution as an explanation for the cosmos can be reconciled with the Christian faith. Alas, the evidence leads in the opposite direction, which is that a full-throated acceptance of Darwinism leads eventually to a rejection of the Christian faith. I know, I know, there are some well-known Christian thinkers who find a way to “reconcile” the Bible and Darwinism, but I think it is a mistaken attempt to join things that move in opposite directions.

A Gallup Poll released yesterday shows that only “39 percent of Americans believe in the theory of evolution.” The research also shows that those who attend church most often are least likely to believe in evolution.

Let me pass along something I found in one of William F. Buckley’s books. It’s a quote that Buckley says he got during his days at Yale University. It comes from “a crusty academic believer” who was asked during the rise of Darwinism in the l800s, How can you still believe in God? He answered, “I find it easier to believe in God than to believe that Hamlet was deduced from the molecular structure of a mutton chop.” He’s right, of course. Those who prefer to believe in the mutton chop are free to do so.

Here are a few resources offered on Charles Darwin’s 200th birthday:

In the Beginning: The Most Important Verse in the Bible

If Genesis 1:1 is true, evolution in the macro sense cannot be true. It won’t do to say “God created by evolution.” That’s a cop-out. We might as start where the Bible starts, with “In the beginning God."

Darwin’s Delusion: Why We Believe in Creation

Presuppositions matter greatly in the whole creation-evolution debate. Where you start determines where you end. Nothing matters more than deciding where you will begin.

Fact or Fable in Genesis

Some people say that Genesis was written to show us the who of creation, not the how. While freely granting that the Bible is not a scientific textbook, I argue that the early chapters of Genesis are not a myth or legend or some sort of mythic poem. They provide a sober account of how the universe came to be.

Not by Chance

If you leave God out, you’ve missed the fundamental truth about the universe. That means that in order to understand human origins and the true history of the universe, we must begin–not with the vain speculations of science–but with God’s understanding as he has revealed it to us in His Word.

Creation-Evolution Teaching Statement

Every church wrestles with the issue of how to deal with the creation-evolution controversy. Some prefer to ignore it, others have capitulated to the point of celebrating “Evolution Sunday.” I think it is wise for churches to say plainly what they believe and how they intend to teach about human origins. Here are twelve statements that provide a framework for teaching about creation and evolution in the local church.

Empty on the Inside

This message shows the importance of believing what the Bible says about creation. God has already done everything necessary for you to have a relationship with him. He created the world and then left his fingerprints everywhere. He even placed you where you are so that you would seek him.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

so you are proud of the fact that only 39 percent of americans beleive true science? that your silly church has undermined centuries of science to plant doubt in people's head? and the blow that srikes to people trying to get funding for science research is devastating. our country will not be able to compete globally as long as we are so stupid about science and as long as we keep letting religous quacks erode our intelligence. it is a pathetic state you have put us in.