Creationism is where it starts. Did we evolve or were we created? Did God really have a garden? Where was it? Was there an Adam. An Eve. A serpent? Did they sin? Were they really expelled from the garden? Did they have sons. Cain and Able? Did Seth become a father that led to Jesus? Rahab, Jesse, David, Do the genealogies tell the truth that are in the word of God? Is that all just metaphor? If it is, did Jesus even exist? Did he actually die on a cross? If he isn't who the Bible says he is, genealogies and all, then what else is false?
You see, when you pull one linchpin out of a journey thru the Bible, you destroy the credibility of the whole of scripture. I believe every single word in the word of God from Genesis to Maps. Every word. Nothing added, nothing missing.
I can't explain it all.....yet. But someday it will be revealed. As we believe Him, he reveals truth to us and we come to mature faith in God. No rationalization, just pure rich faith in creator God. I am of the opinion that any man or woman who preaches the Gospel and doesn't have the revelation of the Truth of Creation, or even has doubts, is a fraud and should step down until they have come to faith. You don't get to pick and choose. God said it, I believe it, that settles it.
I don't need science or evolutionary theory to validate scripture. I allow scripture to validate science. When they don't agree I depend on the tick of time to prove the word of God true once more. It always does.
So, when I see Christian's trying to harmonize Biblical Creation with Evolution I am puzzled.
Why bother to evangelize? To what? A myth? A story? A rationalization?
Jesus is REAL. He created all things by the power of his word. He still is.
Is the world zillions of years old. Were there dinosaurs? Have there been other humanoids on the earth? Did God create man as we read in the Bible? YES to ALL.
But it wasn't evolution. God created, after their kind. I'm most saddened by men and women who are pastors and leaders who attempt by reason and intellect to grasp the reality of Jesus the Creator. They never will. We come to God by faith and then he rewards us by revelation as we diligently seek him.
We have a lot of un revealed truthers standing in pulpits every Sunday. Know God, Know Truth.
Here's a truth to hang your hat on. This chart about dinosaur evolution has a lot of empty spaces and dotted lines. There are no intermediate fossil evidences. There is no "was once a dino and is now a bird" kind of intermediate. They just were and then went extinct. Like DODO birds. Like passenger pigeons. Created and then extinct at some point.
Note that ONLY the dark purple are fossils, there are no intermediate fossil forms ever found, just hypothesised. Know why? it would violate the truth of God. He created after their kind:

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