Monday, February 23, 2009

Maybe I misunderstood the order of things

The Bible says, "the fool hath said in his heart there is no God".

I have been watching the flailing around of Mr Bill Maher. Probably an intelligent man. But, he is a fool. Not because he is an atheist. That's foolish enough. But because he is acting like a fool.

He's miffed because he didn't get an Oscar nod for his anti God movie "Religulous". Hey Bill, maybe it was just a badly done film.....

You just aren't that good. Or that smart.

I wonder if a fool says in his heart there is no god or if a person who says in their heart there is no god becomes a fool. Chicken and Egg. Horse and Cart.

Just wondering.


Anonymous said...

He is a double fool who says it in his heart, AND says it with his mouth..... the way, did I really hear Sean Penn say, "you homo lovin' son of a guns'" ?? I didn't see that phrase written up in the Tribune. . Harold H.

Anonymous said...

It is a wise person who stops falling for the myths of gods.