Friday, February 27, 2009

Ten Things I'm Betting President Obama Would Take a Mulligan on if he could

I want him to do well. We need him to do well. We can't keep going south like we are. Here are ten things our young and frankly still pretty clumsy President has done. I hope practice will make more perfect and not permanent.

1. Pelosi’s Stimulus Package:
Letting Speaker Pelosi take the lead on writing the stimulus bill -- ensuring an ideological, pork-laden package. He's the President She's not.

2. Geithner’s Financial Bailout:
Why raise expectations and then send out the Treasury secretary with a plan that has only scant details? No wonder the markets tanked.

3. Census Grab:
A brazen, possibly illegal, power grab. Did he think people wouldn’t notice if he took the census away from Commerce and put it under political superpartisan Rahm Emanuel? This will not stand and is very clumsy.

4. Commerce Debacle:
First, the poor vetting of Bill Richardson, then he tried to pull the census away from his GOP nominee, Sen. Judd Gregg.

5. Cabinet Tax Cheats:
Geithner, Daschle, Killefer, Solis. Can’t he find people who paid their taxes?

6. Closing Gitmo:
Sure, he fulfilled a campaign promise, but what will he do with all the monsters like 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed that other countries won’t touch? I think he may rethink this one.

7. Reversing Mexico City:
Do American taxpayers really want to pay for overseas abortion promotion? I knew he would do this, but it wasn't necessary. It was a clumsy way to pay off the pro death wing of the democrat party. He got nothing for it. I wonder if he even understands Chicago Politics.

8. Talking Down the Economy:
All of his talk of economic calamity to help sell his huge stimulus package will make people stop spending, causing more economic woes. For what? He didn't need this. He's showing his inexperience.

9. Phony Bipartisanship:
Having Republicans over for dinner is nice, but how about letting them participate in writing legislation. They won't accept another phony invitation. He will pay dearly for this maneuver.

10. Iran Dialogue:
He said he wants a “face-to-face” dialogue with Iran. Ahmadinejad’s response: Put Bush on trial he said as a condition. What did our President think?

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