Tom works as a pastor in addition to all the other things he does. He preaches and teaches not only at the AG church he is part of but particularly loves to work at the rescue mission. Seeing people snatched back from the fire is a great joy.
This is Tom Scheffert and me:
Our son Tim who works as an associate Pastor at Changing Lives Tabernacle in West Fargo preached Sunday. He's a pretty good preacher. Here he is giving em heck.
I would like to believe that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. We do enjoy sparring about theological issues. I have a couple I am airing with him right now. First, Jesus NEVER tried to get anyone saved. As an Evangelist he was a failure. Even the one case where it could be argued was the woman at the well. He didn't pursue her, she pursued him. That's one, the other is the churchy theology that says, "Bring it to the cross, or cling to the cross". I am in the process of trying to figure out where traditional Christianity came up with well worn cliches we all think are biblical. Guess what, the Bible never has that admonition. More on that. I'm pondering kicking some sacred cows again. I might even see if I can take them to the slaughterhouse. Much of what is Christian today is nothing but unquestioned tradition.
Here's a picture of Tim and Raquella and Baby Tianna Dawn Redlin. She is a great baby. They are a good looking couple. This is right after the dedication.
Then the Tim's Kids sang a special number. It was great. Those pages are the words. All of the kids can read from 2-7. Cute.
Here's the family and the Grandparents. Look at little Jaxon up in the corner next to Grandpa Miller (who is the Sr Pastor of the Church).
Little Tianna and Dad. This is the same little dress that her mom wore 26 years ago when she was dedicated. She is a precious little one. OH, and remember a few days ago I mentioned that Tim cut his thumb off about half and inch? Well that's the bandage. They took it off today.
We may have doctrinal issues, but they more have them with me than me with them. But, there is a song Barb and Carol showed me from a church in California near where Tim used to attend. The song is called, I'm a Pentecostal. It's on you tube and is 7 minutes long. It's a lot of fun and the message is one that Pentecostals wish everyone could sing. IF you decide to watch it, turn up your speakers, make some room for dancing and have a great time.
I looked and when I saw the crowd shot I think I see me dancing out front. Not really, but if I were there I would be. They call me Gene Gene the Dancing Machine.
RGR - I was shocked, I say, SCHOCKED to see my initials in the title of the youtube link. Is this the message from God I've been waiting for? Also, it's too bad you never came over to the Methodist church back in the day - I'm pretty sure that's the way our services were although you may want to confirm with MS or FB. CLC
Nothing like family...'nothing else to say.
Ok, I'll admit - I danced. Had to. Miss Camp Meetings, the 5 day tent revivals, when church was really home...
Quote of the day - "never trust a spiritual leader that can't dance"-Mr Miyagi
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