Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Why I no longer believe in a time of Prayer

OK, I knew that might get some attention.
Of course I believe in prayer and of course I think men ought always to pray and give thanks. 
What I no longer believe in is a set time of prayer as a compartmentalization of my prayer life.  Prayer is akin to my relationship to my wife.  Comparisons are constantly being made between marriage and spirituality.
This is certainly a valid point. 
Many good Christians compartmentalize their prayer into Mealtime or morning of evening prayer like there is no other time that we pray.  I prayed, there that's done, now on to more important things.
My prayer life is more like a constant ongoing dialogue with God.  Constant in conversation and intimacy.  That's like with Peggy.  We do have times that we spend alone together, that's good, but it's the all day ongoing dialogues that make up the fabric of our lives together.
In that way I don't believe that having a daily set aside time of prayer at  for example 7 AM is the highest and best. 
Now, sometimes, Peggy and I like to be alone together.  Same with Jesus.  Sometimes if I take special time alone with her it has other results in blessing.  Same with Jesus.
I'm just worried that we have sold the power of prayer short by compartmentalizing it into an hour here or there.
Pray without ceasing Paul the Apostle said.  That means an ongoing minute by minute dialogue not one Hour carved out of pietal duty.  That's why I no longer believe in a time of prayer.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's called a lifestyle! Right on Gene--or is that write on!