Then, after my folks died in 1959 my then parents bought me this guitar for Christmas . It's an e-140 Gibson. Worth a lot of money. I still have this guitar and still play it.

After forming the band the O-MEN with my cousins Jim and John I ordered this guitar, a Danelectro Bass which I still have. It's kind of clumsy but it was a good guitar. Our peak performance was in the Ellendale Opera House where Cousin Carol, John, Jim and I played a full night. Several hundred dancers came.
That was fun. My band affiliations from then on were less and less. I played all thru college but never replicated the O-Men. We were mostly Buddy Holly and early Beatles. When the later Beatles came we didn't follow.

This is the Harmony Sovereign I bought used in College. It had big tone since it was a big guitar. I still play it. It allowed me to go to parties and not drag my amp around. I hauled it all over the place, even to Europe.

Somewhere along the line I inherited this fake Strad violin. I enjoyed playing it. Never took a lesson. It sounded like it. It actually was a good violin. I found the real owner and gave it back to her. She never thanked me. Uncouth.
When I was playing in the worship band at Church I bought this Bass guitar which I still have. It's fretless. So, slides are smooth. I like playing it better than other people like hearing it.

To date I still own BOTH Bass Guitars, the Gibson E, a different Violin my brother bought me and the Harmony. I don't play as much as I should anymore. If I did I would be sexier. Peggy says she fell in love with me seeing this skinny kid with long hair playing Rock and Roll on the Gibson with a big Gibson 4 speaker amp.
Ah, Hair, I remember it well.
I had that Stella!
I have an E-140 right now!
The other guitar player in our band had a Sovereign, I was secretly jealous because it had such a great neck and had a blonde top. My acoustic was a Gibson Southern Jumbo with a sunburst finish. I was 9 when my parents bought it from my guitar teacher for 40 dollars.
I’ve had many Martins. D-18’s, D-28’s and one D-35 (I never like that one) and a ’26 000-15s. I had a pre CBS Kay arch top that I loaned to a cute girl and never got back….stupid stupid stupid
I had a guitar made for me in ’76. The maker was a disciple of Mark Whitebook. Oh man what a guitar this is. I got to choose all the wood, it has beautiful wood bindings a mother of pearl ring around the sound hole, a scrimshaw eagle on the head and a wide neck to accommodate my big hand. Its picture is in a book of custom guitars…I don’t have a copy. I almost bought one of his guitars with a cedar top…whoa that was a bright guitar. I also have a Yamaha silent guitar a cheap strat and a dulcimer and use to have a sitar. I want want want to buy a national steel guitar but it would rust in a week here on the beach. Mostly I play the Yamaha because it was cheep and I don’t care if it rusts…heck it’s mostly plastic anyway.
Brother from another mother.
How did you go so far astray?
Thanks for sharing.
I just looked and I don’t have an E-140….I don’t know what it is…I thought it was an E-140
It’s almost the same guitar….mine does not have a cut away and only has on f hole…what the heck is this?
Check out the Vintage Guitar site, perhaps yours is on there.
Nope not there
It kinda looks like the ES-250 but mine only has one f hole
Uh oh…look out now … I’m pretending to play the blues!!!!
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