Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Chicago Politics Controls Democrat Party

No matter the vote count from last night, the fix is in. The corruption of Chicago politics which manifests itself in vote rigging and fixed elections has now invaded the Il named democratic party. The democratic party in function operates just like the crooks in Chicago do things. Power brokers pretend to have elections and the fools in Chicago pretend to vote. Then the votes are discarded and the power brokers do what they want.

Hillary won the popular vote last night in 3 primaries. She does NOT however win the delegate counts that should have produced.
Shades of 2000. Al Gore won the popular vote but lost the election. Winning in democrat party politics means nothing.

I guess if you are a democrat it doesn't matter that your vote doesn't count. You just go to the polls and pretend that it does.

Some votes are more equal than others. The superdelegates are the powerbrokers who are going to go in their smoke free rooms and behind a closed door make this decision.

Why bother even having any more primaries? The fix is in.

And, in case you forgot how they all governed at the end of the 20th century, the fix was always in. Get ready for the real democrat party in power. Democracy in inaction.

I think they should just call it what it is, machine politics Chicago Style. At least in Chicago when our politicos cheat, graft and crook we know it's company policy.

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