Tuesday, March 10, 2009

If you are suffering because of the Depression (it's not an economic downturn) it's not YOUR FAULT!

The twin towers were bombed on September 11, 2001. Thousands were killed.

What sin did those people who died that day commit? What Righteousness did those who survived exhibit? Why were some people even in Manhattan spared completely? Many lost their jobs. Some even went bankrupt. I almost did. It was a very hard time.

So, tell me, who's fault is it that my friend Steve is out of a Job. That in the last week 3 very dear christian friends have told me that they are on the edge of Bankruptcy. Many are in fear. Who sinned?

A bomb just went off in Baghdad. Car bomb. At least 33 are dead. What did those that are now dead do? How could they have avoided it? They were living their lives, doing business, and suddenly BOOM things changed even for those near, injured and still alive.

So, tell me, who's fault was it? The injured? Or was it an event, external, caused by others.

I tell you, no one sinned. If a bomb goes off there is going to be collateral damage. That's why they bomb. It's indiscriminate.

A bomb has gone off in the Global Economy. Who caused it? I'm not here to point fingers. It's just a bomb, a huge bomb has gone off. I don't agree with the statement I heard from a minister the other night on TBN. He said, "In our congregation we are not participating in the depression". That's foolish. It's like saying when a bomb goes off next to us we will be uafffected, live life like nothing happened. That's like Spirit shirts. Magical thinking. In ancient Israel when famine came, everyone suffered. This is no different.

If you are going thru hard times, if you can't pay your bills, if your job is gone, if you are in debt and can't get out, IT'S NOT YOUR FAULT. Get past the guilt. Start picking up the pieces and start fixing the problem the best way you know how. Trust Jesus and tell that accuser of you, my brother and sister, to shut up.

We have all just been subject to a huge global economic bomb, now it's time to pick up whatever pieces you can and try to get back to living once more.

It's wasn't your fault. You didn't do anything to cause this, you didn't deserve this. Sure, you could have stayed home in a bomb shelter wearing a flack jacket hiding from the world. A lot of Good you would have been there. Yet some who have lived overcautious lives and not suffered from the bomb blast would tisk tisk you about your injuries.

Jesus wants you out among them and if you get blown away by a Bomb, SO BE IT. Be bold, be Strong, for the Lord Thy God is with thee!

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