Friday, March 13, 2009

Self Righteous Buffoon V Smarter Buffoon

I don't watch Jon Stewart. I find him to be a terrible bore. Not funny. Condescending. Arrogant. Worse than all Jon Stewart is School Marmishly Ignorant.

I do watch Jim Cramer. It's a circus. A circus for people interested in the market. I find him wrong a lot. I don't agree with him much of the time. He is very short term in his thinking. He gets fooled by twists and turns. But every one in the market is allowed to have an opinion and take a position. There must be an equal number of longs and shorts, two opinions, at all times.

That's what makes a horse race. So,when Cramer is wrong it's OK. Those that follow his opinion and bet his way provide for the other side of the market the one thing we all need.....Liquidity. I hope he doesn't change a thing. He's very entertaining.

I don't think Jon Stewart has a clue about any of this. Particularly when I read his "Pounding" of Jim Cramer.

Jon Stewart is sickening in his down the nose attitude he has towards people smarter than him.

The show on CNBC I really like is Fast Money. Those are sharp people with real positions in the market and they get it. And, the reporters they have of the female persuasion during the day, hmmmm. Let's just say, it makes hearing about a down market easier to take.

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