Saturday, March 14, 2009

If this doesn't remind of someone you've seen and heard, WELL

This may well be the sickest thing I know and if it doesn't turn your stomach, you have a problem.

Ignatius from travis hawkins on Vimeo.

I know some of these guys. They need to be run out of town.


Anonymous said...

are you kidding? This is satire, and absolutely hilarious! I laughed so hard when seeing this for the first time! He is right on with the wacko freak show religious zeal sideshow trying to make christianity 'hip' when it should be s personal, deep relationship with Jesus, not a "feel good pony show" as shown in Lakeland and other various carnival religious freak shows. Thank God I belong to a traditional, personal and peaceful religious congregation that makes me fall on my knees in quiet reverence. I can smile and laugh watching this show knowing how true it is. You need to lighten up. This kid is only showing how warped "feel good christianity" has become. There have been some real wackos in the past few years.

Anonymous said...

This "metrosexual" leader was at our church this morning. Great hair, cool clothes, but no substance and not a clue of who God really is. Truth is, this guy is not only reaching our young adults and music and worship people, he's in people like Ed Young and that long list of "pastors" who think you need a gimmick to preach the gospel. I liked how he talks about the things that influenced him and left out the Bible.

This is funny but sad because its all too familiar in todays church. Wake up and face the truth church.

Anonymous said...

I think the people who place these kinds of people in the pulpits ought to be run out of town

Anonymous said...

God may say you are all wrong.
Read your Bible, pray and think about it.