Monday, September 08, 2008

For AJ - Someone new to all this

I usually don't do this specific posting for one person, but I think AJ's questions are good and worth answering.

She Asks:
What is the anointing and why is it important?
I know I now speak another language, it's christaineze and AJ is right to ask. Anointing is anything that happens when the Holy Spirit's power is laid over the thing. An anointed sermon will be more than a person reading what someone wrote. It's a power in the words that is over and above the ability of the person to give it. It's sermon PLUS. In music, anointing is not skill. I have known some tremendously skilled people who sing beautifully with no more anointing than a quart of milk. Sometimes however a clumsy even off key person with a passion under the anointing will move the heart of men and God. A person reading the Bible out loud, One can read a passage and they read it, it's ok, it might even be well done, but when the Holy Spirit is laid on top of it, it becomes a powerful sword that cuts in a good way soul from spirit. It's the Christ, the messiah, the anointed one active in a person's life that is the anointing. I can do all things thru Christ (the anointed one and his anointing) which and who strengthens me. People that do things over and above their natural ability to the Glory of God are operating in the anointing.

Why do I need a daily or the flow of the Prophetic in my life AJ asked:
The prophetic comes as a result of your awareness of it's activity. That can come by reading the Bible. A verse you never saw like that suddenly can jump out and grab you. Every time you read the Word of the Living God as a Living Word you encounter a manifestation of the prophetic word. There's more. There is also the word spoken sometimes in Prophetic Preaching. Doesn't happen as much as it should, in fact much less than anyone imagines. Most preaching is instruction or admonition, not prophesy. Prophesy in preaching and the prophetic utterance from a platform must have at it's base "Thus saith the Lord". Not spoken perhaps, but the nature of the word is God Speaking to his people. Man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. So if a word of encouragement is not at it's core, God says, it's not prophetic. Sometimes music can be prophetic. It is usually when it operates in the anointing that it most often does. A song or a hymn can reveal what God is saying. Last there is the event when a person called or operating as a prophet comes and speaks directly to your situation. That is a prophetic word. I would be careful in receiving every word as from GOD, but as you grow you will more and more be able to discern the nature of the Prophetic and receive. Last, sometimes writers can be prophetic as well as anointed. I hope sometimes I am that.

I'm glad you are reading. If you get to Faith Center, be sure to look over their literature rack and see what it there. Buy a few 50 cent booklets and read them. You will be astounded what difference it will make to your understanding.

God is always a good God, but sometimes Men who are called of God are NOT. Don't judge God by Flawed servants. Seek God and LIVE!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the explanation. You got it right the first time I aksed a question, I'm a he.

KD said...

I remembered when I was first saved, I didn't want to go to church because of the hypocrites.

In my spirit God said to me, "But YOU don't have to be one."

I live by that.

We don't have to be like the people we see that we don't like. Let God work in your life and transform you into the image of Christ.

By the way, for those who don't know, that is a good thing :)