Saturday, September 20, 2008

The Marriage of Todd and Sarah Palin in Submission Order

The order of marriage is one I didn't make up. It's right from the book of Ephesians. It's perfect. I write a great deal about it in my little booklet on marriage that is linked to the left.

Every word is still true.

In the Palin household, Todd is spiritual leader, head of the house, the man, the one who represents Jesus, the one who is protector and provider and the one who encourages greatness and discourages rebellion. How do I know? It's a scriptural order that unless the Palins were asleep in the pew for 20 years they would have heard. It's taught in the kind of Church the Palin's attended.

In the country, Sarah Palin may well become president of the USA. As such she will be the Chief Executive officer of the nation. But in the Palin home she will still be submitted by choice to the Man God placed in her life to rule over her.

I admire the order I see in their lives. I admire how much they love each other and their children. I know they have had challenges.

What I really admire is the model of a submitted wife who can become President of the USA and in that Todd is submitted to her role as POTUS as he is now in her role as Governor. Yet in his role as leader in the home she can rest in voluntary submission.

There is no 50 50 in marriage. It's 100 100. It's not a democracy. It never was supposed to be. It's supposed to look like the relationship between Jesus and his Church. That's not supposed to be a democracy either.

Sarah Palin is proving you don't have to be a ball busting witch spelled with a b to have a home in order and still aspire to the highest office in the land. I hope women across the USA are paying attention. I wish they would read the book. If they have one of those big 66 book books I would refer them to Timothy, Ephesians, and Proverbs for a start.

If they don't want to read those, my little booklet on the side will be a good introduction. Not a word doesn't come directly from the Big Book. I used a double negative for emphasis. Sorry Miss Onsrud.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Some sexist of fart wrote down his views back when women were considered a man's property, and you guys think it is valid for today? Scary. Very scary. I wish God would tell you the truth on this someday. That you do not know the truth on this is proof it is not God talking to you, but your own brain confirming your own views and that of your outdated church.