Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Not invented here - Golden Boy - Does this remind you of anyone we know running for POTUS

Tell me if this reminds you of ANYONE running for President of the USA. Come to think of it, does this remind you of companies you have worked in, bosses, or even churches you have been part of. This is classic not invented here philosophy. Seen it all, done it all beforism. Always a death knell. Particularly in a national leader.

Unhealthy narcissists typically lack a feeling of self-worth; the result is an inner shakiness that in a leader, for example, means that even as he unfurls inspiring visions, he harbors a vulnerability that closes his ears to criticism. Such leaders avoid even constructive feedback, which they perceive as an attack. Their hypersensitivity to criticism in any form means that narcissistic leaders don’t seek out information widely; rather, they selectively seize on data that supports their views, ignoring disconfirming facts. They don’t listen but prefer to preach and indoctrinate.

An entire organization can be narcissistic. When a critical mass of employees share a narcissistic outlook, the outfit itself takes on those traits, which become standard operating procedures.

Organizational narcissism has clear perils. Pumping up grandiosity, whether it is the boss’s or some false collective self-image held throughout the company, becomes the operating norm. Healthy dissent dies out. And any organization that is cheated of a full grasp of truth loses the ability to respond nimbly to harsh realities.

From Goleman’s Social Intelligence, pp 120-121

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