NASCAR fans are used to taking some flak, but the latest insult is coming from Capitol Hill.Before a visit to the NASCAR race in Charlotte this weekend, the chair of the Homeland Security Committee sent a note to staffers advising them to get immunized against hepatitis A, hepatitis B, tetanus, diphtheria and influenza.The author of the warning, Rep. Bennie Thompson, D-Miss., said his committee aides were visiting health care centers, detention facilities and other operations where they could be exposed to communicable diseases. He said the immunizations were routine for health care workers."The very idea of immunization is laughable,'' responded Lowes Motor Speedway president and general manager H.A. "Humpy'' Wheeler. "It's like taping your ankles to go to the mailbox. This is not some third- or fourth-world country."As a matter of fact, never in the 50-plus years of NASCAR has there been an outbreak of any kind at an event, other than a few headaches because somebody's favorite driver ran out of gas -- or maybe a morning hangover.''North Carolina Congressman Robin Hayes reacted, saying NASCAR fans "don't pose any health hazard" to anyone.
Can you imagine the uproar if some white republican did this instead of this man?

Representative Bennie Thompson, DEMOCRAT Mississippi
You'll want to remember that next time some liberal trys to explain how tolerant and kind they are. BIGOTS is the word I would use.
you do not know the race of the staffer that sent to email but you are SO desparate to point out an aleged racist black man. why? no one said there is no such thing. there are sexist women. there are racist black people. there are just plain unthinking jerks. and there are people like you always trying to make an issue of nothing and parroting what the conservative blogs are making bib overblown deals about.
If the broad bush works for you so well Gene then: all Christians are exactly like Reverend Jim Baker, Reverend Gary Michael Aldridge, Reverend Ted Haggard, Reverend Jimmy Swaggart, Reverend Ronald Oree Nation…
All conservative republicans are like Larry Craig, Duke Cunningham, Bob Ney, Jack Abramoff, David Safavian, Allan Raymond, Claude Allen, Bob Taft, Ann Coulter, Rep. Pete Kott, D.R. Atchison...
If you are drawing a blank on any of of the afore mentioned, may I suggest what is called a google seach?
Gene, you are better than this…come on now…
I haven't heard from you in so long I guess I thought you had fallen off the end of the earth. Your rebuke is noted and I am over the top by lumping everyone into the same category.
It's really good to hear from you. I hope all is OK in your world.
Send me an Email. Let's reconnect.
Bring me up to date, Still playing basketball?
You know that I always considered you a fair minded and wise liberal. Even if I don't always agree, I always listen and consider.
Thanks for being there.
Silly Gene, I only go to the end of the earth to read SA, not to fall off. I can’t believe that core of guys is still there typing the same things over and over. Don’t those guys ever go outside and smell the night blooming jasmine?
Yes I am still playing BB albeit a liiiiittttllle bit slower that before.
I don’t know how many more decades I can keep this up.
We were league champs last season. We are 5 – 2 so far this season.
My cabinet shop is busier that ever and keeping 2 other shops hopping with my overflow.
I lost an uncle and gained 3 cousins. My mom is doing well and going strong into her 79th year and after 39 years of miss cast votes has switched from (R) back to (D). I am looking for a house with an ocean view…it will be tough to leave Carbon Beach after 23 years, but 10m for a house is just a wee bit out of my pre qualifying home loan range. Darn that Larry Ellison for buying up all the houses for way over asking and driving up values.
Isn’t it great to see so many long serving GOP’s getting out of the way of the impending Dem landslide next November. What’s the count now 12?
It’s also great to see congress finally conducting oversight hearings.
What do you make of the news that bush started warrantless wire taps before 15 Saudi’s and some Egyptians hijacked 4 planes in September 2001? Funny how bush didn’t invade Saudi Arabia or Egypt, huh?
If found guilty, what should the punishment be for the Blackwater mercenaries?
Who is Rev. Hagee and do you think he could use some personal advice from me?
Please tell me you reject Ann Coulter, Rush and Hanty as agents of Satan not at all good for serious problem solving discourse.
Boy that Gen. Sanchez made some news last week, didn’t he?
What was that nutcase Medved saying about slavery?
And why can’t they put the dem with the frozen cash on trial already?
I am going to read Shock Doctrine next.
Did they ever find that 8.8 billion that Bremer lost early on in Iraq?
How old do you think the earth is?
Did you see the old Romney campaign literature and TV commercials?
Too bad about Rudy’s best boy Bernie Kerik.
What was Fredrick of Hollywood thinking by getting into this thing?
It is still hard to dismiss the Treaty of Tripoli’s 11th article. The authors and signatures were the founding fathers after all
At least Ron Paul is right about one thing. Did you see him on C-Span last week?
Gezzzz I haven’t ranted like that since November 6, 2006
Take care of yourself my on line friend. And if your wife gives you another questionable sweater…wear it.
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