Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Why Churches and Denominations Die

This article from the Wall Street Journal should be a warning (but it isn't) to liberal church leaders.

Here's the money quotes:
More than 100 religious organizations support IWJ financially, including the National Council of Churches of the USA (NCC), an umbrella organization of nearly 40 mainstream Christian denominations. The Presbyterian Church (USA), the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, and the Episcopal Church are particularly active.
MY NOTES: NONE of these three church denominations in America is prospering. Only conservative bodies are growing.

For four decades, as the leadership of America's mainline churches has moved steadily leftward, those churches' memberships declined as a percentage of the U.S. population while the number of Christian evangelicals exploded. Left-wing clerics may be buying greater political influence with their alliance through organized labor, but the price may be further alienating their shrinking flock.

It can't happen too soon for me. I am ready to embrace the great divide between spectator Sunday only Christians and those who follow hard after Jesus. EMBRACE THE SPLIT.

The left wing clerics are the harbinger of the great WHORE CHURCH. She's here. She's not Christian except in name. CINO.

Please go away you liberal Church Misleaders. I can only complain, but there's blood on your hands. You WILL be held to account.

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