Thursday, October 18, 2007

Democrat North Dakota House Seat for Sale

We need election reform in this country. This is the George Soros effect. All the democrats money can buy. And by this from Matt, they are for sale:

We still have 13 months to go before the 2008 election, yet Earl Pomeroy has already stockpiled a staggering $1,057,433 for his re-election bid. Where is all of this money coming from, you might ask? Well, of the $921,000 that he has raised this year, nearly 80% of it has come from out of state special interest groups. Only $189,015 has been raised from individuals, and only $4,900 of that has come from North Dakota individuals. In other words, 99.5% of Pomeroy’s cash so far has come from out of state. To be fair, that percentage will decrease as more North Dakotans get involved in the election, but it won’t decrease dramatically. But when a candidate is taking in 99.5% of his contributions from interest groups, you have to wonder who’s interests he is really representing. How are the other members of our delegation faring? Conrad is looking pretty content with his stockpile of nearly $2 Million, as is Dorgan with his $1 Million. Conrad is five years away from re-election, Dorgan is three away. These incumbents will be incredibly difficult to defeat, but it can be done, and every North Dakotan needs to realize that.

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