Sunday, October 14, 2007

More on Cheapskates

I blogged on Oprah Winfrey and her largesses. At least she has some. It appears most liberals don't.

The question was asked by a commenter, do I give my TIME to worthy causes. I give more of my time than of my money. I wish others would, but I lead by example.

Of course the commenter doesn't consider organizations that have any spiritual dimension a worthy cause. So, what's the point in arguing. I give time and money to lots of things, Shakespeare Theater, Lyric Opera, Channel 11, Churches, Missions, individuals, homeless people, Anti Liberal Causes like the NRA, Pro Life Groups, Prison Ministries. Things I am interested in.

What probably irritates me more than anything is the very people who try so hard to preach to the rest of us how much more we should care are the biggest cheapskates.

Always watch how people treat the little people. If they treat them like dirt it's who they really are.

Here's a list of famous cheapskates.
  • Barbara Streisand
  • Michael Moore
  • John Kerry
  • Jesse Jackson
  • John Edwards
  • Al Gore (the most generous of the Cheapskates)
  • Sean Penn

I wonder what they all have in common HMMMMMMM? They are all famous liberals.

Seems like lots of people don't tip (and my thesis is if you don't tip you don''t tithe or give to charities). I'm disturbed by the "fact" that Black people don't tip. I wonder if that's a black thing or a liberal thing. I'm guessing liberal entitlement mentality.

Is there a relationship between voling for and supporting liberal and democrat causes and being a cheapskate even in tipping? I'm just wondering.

In fairness, the list also is propertied to include George Bush and Dick Cheney although I looked around and didn't find the list mentioned.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"I'm disturbed by the "fact" that Black people don't tip. I wonder if that's a black thing or a liberal thing. I'm guessing liberal entitlement mentality."

is this a setup to get us to call you racist so you can launch some tangent?