Last Friday night a friend of mine showed me a video she had taken that had a light that showed up in the video. It was still in her camera. She asked me if I thought it was an angel. I said I didn't know. But, knowing her and her passion for Jesus I suspected it was real and was indeed angelic in nature. No demon would put himself in that situation.
At the house of Prayer in the last few weeks there have been visible angelic visitations. Several people have seen them. I haven't - Yet. I will.
A news story with surveillance video records the visitation of a supernatural presence. Angel or demon I don't know. I'm guessing Angel. I want to believe it was an angel. Mostly because there would be a good reassurance for those who believe and a stirring for those who are skeptics.
Look at this and explain it away - if you Can.
One other interesting story. Here is a picture in which you can see a demonic wolf in the picture. The story with the picture is what makes us understand that when a Demon is let in to a person's life we can be oppressed by it.
I do struggle with unbelievers and believers alike who deny the reality of the supernatural among us. Everything is reason and explanation.
Sometimes that's not enough. There is more to this life than what we see.
there is more to the workings of your subconscious and unconcious than you willing to admit. the video is so obviously a tiny bug on the outside of the lens - it is so close as to be totally out of focus - but the way it moves in a jerky motion shows it to be a bug. would you want an angel to be silly enough to hang at a gas station and move all herky jerky like that? c'mon . . . you SOOO want to beleive, it is sad.
oh, and as for the 'demon' photo -it is not a recent thing, it was taken 9 years ago and in-laws have since come forward and said it is their dog the people in the photo just forgot it was at the party. what a crock of nonsense. this stuff can be debunked in a few minutes on the internet of you try. how utterly pointless to beleive in such things.
Uh oh, blog hijack alert!!!!!
Gene, have you seen these stories?
"to eliminate any confusion that may have arisen as a result of recent public discourse on the subject."
" FBI agents … have found that at least 14 of the shootings were unjustified…"
" The 23-year-old woman, who has not been identified, was on Sweeney's lap, the source said."
The Judith Reagan - News Corp (FOX) lawsuit to protect Rudolf has piqued my interest too. What do you make of the rumors of her having “irrefutable evidence”?
Robert bb
The links don't seem to work. I'll look to see if I can find the stories anyway and comment on them.
The first one on Water boarding did work.
It may not shock you to know that under urgent circumstance I'm in favor of whatever works. If you have the whereabouts of a nuke ready to blow off in LA you are so being waterboarded.
OK, I'll bite.
Where is the deal re the dog and the in laws. I tried to find it. Nothing.
And, BUG, I looked a the video once again. (there are several of them on the net in different layouts) I don't see bug. I don't know what I see. Pretty fluid for a bug. AND, doesn't it fade BEHIND the pump for a moment? Would a bug on the lens do that?
I realize that even admitting that there might be SOMETHING supernatural out there destroys your whole a-theology.
The Indians that you so adore had a knowledge of the supernatural. Why do THEY get to and not me?
Even if one should come back from the dead you would not believe. Wait, He did and you didn't. Nuff Said.
it does not appear to go behind anything - the edge is fuzzy because it is to baddly out of fucus due to being on the lens. put bug on camera lens into your search engine and find similar videos.
i know very little about native american spirituality and i doubt you do either. what does that have to with fake ghosts?
Water board me wouldja?
"The U.S. Army strictly prohibits the use of waterboarding during intelligence investigations by any of its members. It is specifically prohibited by Field Manual 2-22.3 and is not a sanctioned interrogation technique in any training manual or any instructions to soldiers in the field," the statement says.
Why do you hate America?
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