Ozone is NOT a greenhouse gas. Not Stratospheric and Not Tropospheric. This is a piece of Junk Science.
OH, It's OK. There are all kinds of support for this bogus idea. That is until you get an actual scientist to comment on it.
I wish they would have paid attention. Liberals have only two Theses.
1. There is no God, Religion is Wrong.
2. The economic system of Capitalism is corrupt.
That's about it. Nearly all the arguments they make root in those two concepts.
Time for a new thesis folks.
I certainly will not argue that I am in any way a scientist nor do I get my news from the Sunday funnies but this is what I found when I googled ozone greenhouse gas:
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Greenhouse Gases Frequently Asked Questions
PS, your anti liberal talking points are junk science.
PSS, we won again tonight --- we are now 8 – 3 tied for first. Hello championship.
Good Morning Robert
I looked at the site. It's science is partially true and mostly false.
True, in very populace areas there is ozone. Ozone in those populated places has an area or regional effect on solar pass thru and greenhouse.
The problem in a scientific sense is Ozone is O3. A very unstable molecule. It will react with anything if comes in contact with. That's why your windshield wipers need to be replaced, Ozone reaction. Tires the get old and brittle. Ozone. But, it doesn't stay in any concentration very long. It looks for a bond to complete itself. Nitrogen which is most plentiful in nature is a natural bond creating Nitrous Oxides. Methane. Even free carbon (rubber).
So, it will survive for a very short time in the atmosphere it soon is "eaten up" or eats u[ the things it combines with.
So it's global effect is pretty much nil.
The article mentions a tropospheric layer. It isn't deep enough or thick enough to make a difference.
On a scale of 1=10 with Methane being 10 , ozone is in the category of 1 or 2. Significant only in it's lack of ability to affect anything other than the wipers on your windshield.
Glad to hear the bball torneys are going so well.
I'm not playing bball this year. Come to think of it, I never played bball.
I've got a little Hypertension thingy I'm trying to get under control and dying seems to be a bad idea while playing Bball.
I'm not sure what the Great White Throne Judgement for playing Basketball and dropping dead is when one is 62 years old. I suspect it's not good.
So ozone is a green house gas?
I’m sure you know that hyperthingy is not a laughing matter. If you don’t play BB I hope you are at least out and about walking and walking some more. How is your salt intake?
And what about stress. As a blogger doctor, I advice you to curtail your : “I hate liberals” posts as they certainly are a source of stress and quite possibly a contributor to higher blood pressure. Are really…who you gonna change with that stuff anyway? In my opinion it only serves as a badge to the people who believe you are already a lefty hater anyway. Minster to the sick, visit the jailed, take care of children. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God. Matthew 5:3-10
Take care of yourself for the light on yonder window.
""curtail your : “I hate liberals” rants""
Actually, that's pretty good advice. I get all exercised about it all and cranked up and to what end? Those who agree with me agreed with me before and those who don't ignore me.
So, I should cool it a bit.
Hypertensivly speaking I'm feeling better today. Yesterday was scary. When I went to bed my wife said, "Are you gonna be OK". I had to say honestly, "I don't know".
I don't know if any of us ever do. I was reading about Studs Terkle in yesterday's paper, Chicago Tribune Sunday. Good stuff. He just turned 95. His caretaker said it this way, "One day Studs is just not going to wake up".
Maybe that's what Peggy was asking, "Are you going to wake up tomorrow?" I don't know. Maybe I never did. But today, I'm better. My BP is back in range. I don't feel my heart beating in my chest like I did.
Getting Older is not so much fun.
An old Indian proverb that I just made up says:
Today is a good day to live.
Take care you wingnut you.
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