Friday, November 16, 2007

The Prophetic War (a word)

World War Two was a terrible war.  It cautioned Europe from ever allowing the administration of a despot like Hitler again.  We have had 60 years of relative peace in Europe since.  Oh, there are lots of problems.  But once the mask was torn from the evil that Nazi lies and other fascist sycophants like Mussolini could tell.  It also had the net effect of exposing anti-Semitism in a way never known before.  The full manifestation of the Nation of Israel and the exposure of the death camps have driven a nail in this overt public Jew hatred.
In that way, the war was used by the forces of GOOD, in my framework, the forces of God to accomplish a purpose.  The blood of victims and patriots became a foundation for what we have enjoyed in Europe and the USA for over half a century.
In the same war a brutal merciless regime driven by devotion to a man god emperor in Japan that defined the Japanese people as real humans and all others far less was deposed by the ending of the War with Japan.  This is a country that stacked the bones of people and strew beheaded bodies all over Korea, China, and the east in General.  They were the Borg of their day.  Without humanity.  Today, Japan while not perfect in many ways stands as a beacon of progress and some hope.  For 60 years.  China and South Korea and Taiwan are growing and prospering following the path Japan has led down.
This would never have happened had the war not been engaged, Had we allowed Japan after Pearl Harbor to dominate the region under a false pretext of superiority.  Had we chosen not to go to war they would still be a force in the far east today and unstable. 
In fact, had we NOT shown the willingness to bomb  them into oblivion at the end of the war they would have retreated and we would have been fighting them once again. 
Now the emperor is as the queen of England.  A symbol. They are at peace.  The Japanese killing machine is defanged and will not rise again. 
The emptiness of the beliefs they had were exposed as well as was the evil violence that resulted from this in-humane political  system.
Even the bloodiest war the US ever fought, the Civil War has put the idea of succession on notice.  Slavery took a hard hit and while not perfect yet, has created a more perfect union.  The USA today 150 years later still stands.  It almost didn't. We would be having border problems with immigrants from the south in other ways today. 
So, has been the wars in the middle east of today.  The conflicts that began with Jimmy Carter and continue to this day are prophetic in nature.  God often uses war to right a wrong or expose an evil.  I won't go into a long Bible study here, but if you are any kind of student of the Word of God you can reflect on battles in the Old Testament that had a net result of fulfilling the prophetic purposes of God.  Even in the Diaspora after 72AD there was a prophetic purpose.
The wars being fought today I have said from the beginning will not be understood except in a prophetic sense and in the rear view mirror.  When George Bush said God told him to attack Iraq I actually believe him. I don't think  he got a clear word from the Lord, I do think he got a green light and moved ahead.
Was it about OIL?  Was it about the threat against Bush One?  Was it retribution for 9-11?  Yes and no.  Yes because all of those things are true.  No because there has always been a higher reason for war and why God allows it, might I even say, allows the Devil to overplay his hand and fall into this.
It's always about the devil overplaying his hand.  Hitler invading Belgium and Czechoslovakia.  We might have left him alone.  Japan bombing Pearl Harbor.  We might have stayed out longer.  Antedem.  And 9-11.  Had none of those frontal attacks ever happened the world would have gone merrily along and life would have been swell except for the cancer growing among us.
God seems to allow/use wars to deal with evil even in the camps of his own people.  Again, if you are a student of the Bible, you can reflect on lots of events where that happened.  The books of Ezekiel and Isaiah have all kinds of prophetic utterances where it happens.  The Book of Joel is clear on how this takes place.
So, the war in the middle east is was and will be a prophetic act of God.  We think we did it.  I mentioned in a post a couple days ago that I was given a sense of how much God loves those  trapped in oppressive systems of culture and religion. How much he wants those people to be free of that bondage.  This war has destroyed any illusion of unity in Islam.  It has also exposed the excesses of an oppressive religious system that takes the name of God in Allah in vain. It's a mess.  It has revealed the atrocities being carried out in the name of Allah worldwide.   I invite you to take a few minutes to look at the above link.  It will shake you. It has caused people of faith who name the name of Mohammed as their prophet to ask again about who is this Jesus the Christ?  This is and has been a prophetic war and was essential.  God has only USED the USA and George Bush as his Rod.  The Rod of GOD. 
My prayer and my belief is that his war has become a tipping point, a big bang, a disruption in the Borg connective to cause people of faith in the Hindu and Muslim faiths to re-examine who they are and what it all means. 
They did in Germany.  They did in Japan.  The south did (mostly).  Even in the Soviet Union while authoritariarism is rearing it's ugly head once again, there is much that has been changed for the better. 
This war was essential, it was the Kairos moment of God, I won't say I'm glad it happened.  Blood and pain have been shed and felt.  I am hoping in God for the outcome he intended in turning this Romans 8:28 circumstance to his purpose.
He always does, He never fails.  He's not about to start.
PS:  This post was targeted at my spiritually mature and discerning readers.  If you are an atheist and want to respond  I won't stop you (unless you get stupid and mean, then I'll just delete you).  From those of discernment, please tell me where I'm wrong.  I know Ron Mack and I don't see eye to eye on this one issue, which frankly amazes me.  How he and I can be in almost total theological agreement on 99% of everything (I have pilloried his stuff and used it in teaching others with attribution, especially his piece on Christian Charity) yet on this single issue ONE OF US IS DEAD WRONG. 
I'm believe it's him.  ;>)


Anonymous said...

Star trek fan huh
Seven of Nine … hubba hubba

And all that war stuff. I would say your approach is all wrong but it looks like you believe yourself so…good luck to you and your dodge.

Ron McK said...

The air is clearer down here.

Gene said...

I have repeatedly seen EVERY SINGLE STNG ever made. And, While 7 of 9 was on I watched out of pure science fiction interest you understand.

I know it's a scifi soaper but i love it.

I did read and consider the quotes from the Military leaders you posted up re the h bomb and Japan.

I'm not convinced. I have since done some digging myself. It appears as if they, the Japanese were not about to give up despite what Lemay said. They rejected even talks on July 28th just two weeks before the bomb fell.

So, I'm not convinced. WIKI has a pretty good take whoever wrote it on the bomb and it's effect.

I'm glad it happened. Not glad people died. Glad war ends.

Oh, and Ron my friend. Maybe the Cloudy smoggy atmosphere here is a glory cloud. I'm not sure.

Ron McK said...

SUV fumes can stop you from seeing some things clearly.

Anonymous said...

what you say about war as a judgment of God is indeed correct and biblical. people on Both sides in a war need to examine the great issues of life, sin,God, and eternal judgment. WWII caused Germany to examine itself, but the church there largely went the way of liberal theology. Japan opened up to the opportunity to accept the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the way of faith in Him for salvation. The holy Spirit converted some, which, without that war and the aftermath, would not have happened. May God bring peace, and above all, the peace that passes all understanding... H.A.H.