Friday, December 21, 2007


I lifted this unmolested directly from someone else's blog. It's almost exactly what I wanted to say when I read the reports about the energy bill. I was angry with congress, angry with Bush for signing it. We need a conservative in the White House. Cafe standards and outlawing light bulbs is just stupid. At least they quit supporting wind power. That's progress.

This is from Dana Blankenhorn.

The Energy Fraud of 2007

Pelosi_and_reid_as_cheese_eating_su The Democratic Congress labored mightily, they said, all through 2007, and they brought forth...this?

No new efficiency standards before 2020? A huge subsidy for ethanol, guaranteeing higher fuel prices? No breaks for alternative energy, and the tax breaks for oil stay in place?

Really? Well, if that's a War Against Oil, I got some waterfront property here in Atlanta to offer you. Trouble is, by 2020 it might just BE waterfront property, only sitting in a desert, and filled to the rim with refugees from what used to be Florida, and New York City, and 10,000 other places.

The only thing worse than this so-called energy bill is the self-congratulatory nonsense spouted by the Democratic "leadership" on its behalf.

Memo to Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, and Steny Hoyer. See you in hell, man. No, I mean that literally. Because that's what you're turning the whole planet into with this piece of garbage.

The Arctic ice cap is melting even faster than Al Gore warned it would. The Himlalayas may be glacier-free within a decade. Need a Clue what that means to the ocean level? It'll be on your front porch by 2015, Nancy, and over Steny's head a few years after that. Good luck finding a new place.

Vladimir_putin_time_cover No wonder Vladimir Putin is Time's Man of the Year. In the great Energy Wars, he's the winner. It's we Americans (Gore included) who are the losers.

Now I would like to think things aren't as bad as all that. There are ample market incentives for solar, for wind, and for geothermal power. The problem is this bill slows the switch from carbon to hydrocarbon (through its ethanol mandates) and thus leaves us vulnerable to a reverse price-shock.

That is, should the "fear factor" be taken out of the current market and the price of oil drop to, say, $60/barrel, a ton of alternative energy plans no longer make sense. And fear of that happening (because it's rational) keeps investors away.

We'll be revisiting this issue, assuming someone with sense is elected President. But how good an assumption is that? And it won't be with my help, either. No more checks from me to the Democratic National Committee, or to any Democrat who doesn't personally commit to overturning this monstrosity.

Now I see why some would prefer Russia, where "my despotism can be taken pure, and without the base alloy of hypocracy."

Hypocracy, indeed.


Anonymous said...

Uh oh Gene, your TeeVee girlfriend said a bad thing about your candidate.

Anonymous said...

Tough week for you guy, huh Gene.

Ya got Coultergist, USS Condoleezza , The Mouth that Bored - all going after Mr. Huckabee.

Beware Mike Huckabee, beware the Wrath of Blog.

If he doesn’t get the gop nomination, I think he should run as a third party guy. It would be a great test to see how much of our country is with him and his ideals. It would of course, split the gop vote and assure even a Clinton victory.

It is interesting to see the corporate gop in action, no?

Did you know about Condi’s big oil connection?